Category: Blogs

  • ePortfolios at Odette

    Shortly after I arrived at Odette, I began collaborating with Natalie Yun, Dr. Martha Reavley and Kerry Gray to implement ePortfolios for personal leadership development in the Odette MBA program using WordPress. Natalie collected questionnaire, interview, and eportfolio data from about 43 participants as part of her MBA major paper. Preliminary data analysis has yielded…

  • Moving to the Odette School of Business



    Effective August first, I have moved to the Odette School of Business from the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. It’s an exciting new opportunity for me to carry on with my work on supporting faculty and staff develop online and blended courses and programs at the “U.” I will be doing much the same…

  • Blogging

    I noticed that I haven’t blogged since I returned to the university in July 2012, after my leave ended. I find it hard to write regular blog entries as a faculty member. Blogging does not count towards my promotion and tenure review (PTR) and so it’s unfortunately fallen off my priority list. However, I do…

  • Postdoctoral research fellowship

    It’s been a while since I last blogged. The last few months have been a blur. First I moved back to Toronto from Paris, then packed up the family again and moved to Copenhagen. For me, it’s a big change on multiple fronts. There’s not only the culture shock in moving to a foreign country…

  • Death of an email address

    At the end of this month, my FirstClass/OISEnet email address will be no more. People looking to contact me can do so through my address which is still active, and there’s also This email migration is a bit of a pain. A lot of my logins are connected to the OISE email address.…

  • Hello world! (again)

    I imported my GRAIL blog posts here as I complete the last phase of my doctoral journey and look forward to starting my postdoctoral work. Hopefully my more recent posts will be easier to find outside of GRAIL.

  • Hiatus

    After a disconcerting hiatus from blogging as a result of utter immersion in thesis writing, I am back again. What was immensely confusing to me about WordPress while under thesis duress seems rather straightforward now that my dissertation draft is in to the committee. A lot of progress has been gained on all of my…

  • Blogging about WordPress

    Joan urged me to blog about my experiences blogging with WordPress, so here I go… One of the things I would like on my WordPress weblog is a “login” link at the top of the right sidebar at so that I can just go to my blog directly, rather than go to first…

  • WordPress in GRAIL

    Hedieh and I were chatting in the lab about how we find that we don’t seem to blog as much as we used to since our blogs migrated from Movable Type and Wendy’s aggregator into the new GRAIL environment. Granted, I’ve been preoccupied lately with my thesis research, EILP project work,  TEPA work, and settling…

  • Hello world! (and thanks Joan:)



    Joan has been working nights migrating the GRAIL Blogs from the old Movable Type to the new WordPress setup! I’m playing around with WordPress, and so far so good. It was easy to import my entries from before into WordPress following Joan’s directions. When composing an entry, I like that I can switch from the…