Category: Teaching

  • Blended Learning Design, Echo360 technology, LectureTools

    Last week, I attended the Blended Learning and Teaching Course Design Institute hosted by Nick Baker of the Office of Open Learning and Lorie Stolarchuk of the Centre for Teaching and Learning here at the University of Windsor. The first day focused on an introduction to blended learning, then how to design courses to promote…

  • Academic Work-Life Imbalance

    Back in November, I wrote about trying to achieve work-life balance as an academic mom with two small children, two demanding dogs, and an academic spouse. I must confess that I have not attained this goal, but rather have succeeded in attaining its opposite–academic work-life imbalance! That is, I tend to work a lot. Perhaps…

  • Teaching online

    In the Winter 2013 term, I’m teaching two graduate courses in addition to the preservice instructional technology courses that I’ve been teaching. The first course, Research in Education, is a required course in the master’s program and taught mostly face-to-face with some blended elements. The second one, E-learning and Education, is an online course using…

  • Blogging

    I noticed that I haven’t blogged since I returned to the university in July 2012, after my leave ended. I find it hard to write regular blog entries as a faculty member. Blogging does not count towards my promotion and tenure review (PTR) and so it’s unfortunately fallen off my priority list. However, I do…

  • Windsor I: Teaching and Research

    It’s been about three months since I started working as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. In that time, I set up shop both on campus and at home, and am only now getting to blogging about it. I teach six sections (4 primary/junior, 2 junior/intermediate) of an…

  • Tacit knowledge, Inuit knowledge, knowledge sharing and Facebook

    I have the great pleasure of supervising a master’s student, Chris Paton, in the Master in ICT and Learning (MIL) Program, a 2-year, online part-time graduate program offered by a collaboration between five Danish Universities: Aalborg University, Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, Danish Pedagogical University, and University of Roskilde. Chris Paton is a teacher of…