Author: admin

  • Revisiting the blog

    Since I moved to Windsor to become a faculty member, first in the Faculty of Education, and later in the Office of Open Learning, my blogging really slowed down. Finding time to reflect and write became a challenge with my academic workload of 50% teaching, 30% service, and 20% research. I was simply too busy…

  • Domain of One’s Own

    A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction – Virginia Woolf During the pandemic, I have been fortunate to continue working virtually from my home office, even if it is in the basement. While my work supporting faculty with open and online teaching and learning is…

  • So I lied

    Culminating Extend Activity In my last post, I said I was done with blogging after 15 years of blogging. So, I lied. I am posting a reflection on my blog to get an Ontario Extend Experimenter badge. I am not sure why I feel compelled to get a badge, since the last time I got…

  • Not blogging. Fin.

    As a PhD student, I blogged weekly. Mostly, my posts focused on ideas and people related to my research, and the connections therein. Occasionally, they would reveal my interests outside of academia, such as my late pug dog or knitting. Then I became a mother, a postdoc, and then a professor. Between family and academic…

  • What’s the hubbub about PubPub?

    I’m posting this here as well as on the Open Learning Blog. Note, Opinions are my own, not those of my unit or institution. Apologies for the formatting, I am testing out the new Block editor in WordPress. On the 10th day of #12Apps, my true love gave to me: PubPub, your hub to community publishing! It’s…

  • Reading, Writing & Teaching with PressBooks

    (or, make friends and influence readers) I am re-posting this to my personal blog. Someone in my office thought that my post was “inappropriate.” So let me be clear, opinions expressed in this blog post are my own, not those of the unit or institution for which I work. On the 3rd day of 12 Apps…

  • Open Learning, OERs, Open eTextbooks,

    I work in the Office of Open Learning, so it is not too surprising that we are advocates of open educational resources (OER). In the last 3 years, I have been involved in creating a variety of “open” things: our very first MOOC, two CC-BY-NC-SA licensed module sets, and now I am excited to be collaborating with…

  • OL Team Member Profile: Kyle Seguin

    Each Friday in the coming few weeks, we will feature an Open Learning Team member profile. While you may be familiar with our day job identities, you may be surprised (and intrigued) by our hidden talents. You might even call them our “secret powers.” Introducing Kyle Seguin Our website doesn’t even feature our newest student media assistant, Kyle…

  • Introducing the Open Learning Team: Mark Lubrick

    Over the next few weeks, I will be posting here and in the The Office of Open Learning  blog about what the great team that we have! I am so very fortunate that I have the opportunity to work with such a great team. Mark Lubrick Many teaching award recipients tend to be rather self-effacing…

  • Lightboard: A brilliant design

    At UWindsor, we have a new lightboard–a dry-erase board made of glass on which an instructor can draw or write while facing a video camera–that we can use to develop engaging online and blended learning resources. The lightboard has been around for a 3 years now, ever since Michael Peshkin, an engineering professor at Northwestern, developed…