Category: Reading

  • Blogging

    I noticed that I haven’t blogged since I returned to the university in July 2012, after my leave ended. I find it hard to write regular blog entries as a faculty member. Blogging does not count towards my promotion and tenure review (PTR) and so it’s unfortunately fallen off my priority list. However, I do…

  • Academic workflow: Taking notes on readings, finding notes, writing papers

    I recently joined the CSCL2011 Conference HK Facebook Group and Stian Håklev’s status update about his academic workflow caught my eye. He uses an impressive collection of technologies– Skim, BibDesk, DokuWiki and Kindle–along with “a bunch of little ‘glue-scripts’.” to integrate his note taking on PDFs, citation metadata, and ideas (see his wiki for details).…

  • Interaction Analysis – Part 2

    As a learning scientist with a Psychology and English background rather than a Computer Science one, I find the Suthers’ et al. (2010) article a little bit difficult to digest at times. It’s conceptually dense and sophisticated, so it is not exactly easy reading for a sleep-deprived academic mom, but it’s pretty rewarding. I wish…

  • Interaction analysis

    Tatiana seems to be settling into an afternoon nap routine here in Paris, so I’ve been trying to catch up on my reading of journal articles. I’ve been meaning to read the Suthers, Dwyer, Medina, & Vatrapu’s (2010) article, A Framework for Conceptualizing, Representing, and Analyzing Distributed Interaction that Dan handed out copies at the…

  • SMART Ideas – infusing IWBs through collaboration

    Last month, I blogged about how I will be supporting Cathi and John infuse interactive whiteboards (IWBs) into their preservice teaching this year. Because it is a self-study, we are documenting the pedagogical decisions we make as we go along. I’m going to try to use this blog to record what I’m working on. From…

  • Design-Based Research

    I have blogged about design-based research (aka design experiments or design research) before, but I thought I’d share some new resources that I’ve come across from reading an entry from U of M’s Learning Technologies Centre Research Blog last month. First, there’s a website for a tutorial that was held at ED-MEDIA 2007 that provides…

  • Interactive Whiteboard in Teacher Education

    After a year off from doing any teaching, this September I’ll be working as a program assistant for the elementary teacher education seminar and School and Society courses in the Midtown option in the OISE’s one-year initial teacher education program. I’m pretty excited to be working with Cathi and John, coordinators of the Midtown option.…

  • More on Activity Theory

    While I waited for some feedback from Clare and Wendy on an episode of progressive discourse that I had drafted up (thank you), I finally got around to writing about Activity Theory. I’ve blogged about Activity Theory before, and I’ve been meaning to write up a section for my thesis since at least mid-November. It…

  • Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, etc. in schools

    I’m about halfway through Will Richardson’s (2006) Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms and enjoying reading about how educators can use these new tools in creative ways to motivate students to learn more deeply. This book provides some context to Web 2.0 technologies, challenges teachers to reconsider how they think about…

  • Summer Reading

    P7110017.JPG Originally uploaded by nfujita. Well, sort of. I’ve been reading various things–most recently on teacher beliefs, conceptual change, and academic literacy–but I’ve been meaning to blog about activity theory for awhile now. I am not using this theoretical framework in my thesis research, but I keep coming back to it out of curiosity. During…