Blogging about WordPress

Joan urged me to blog about my experiences blogging with WordPress, so here I go…

One of the things I would like on my WordPress weblog is a “login” link at the top of the right sidebar at so that I can just go to my blog directly, rather than go to first and login using UtorID. A minor point, perhaps, and something that could be fixed pretty easily, I think.

In my Movable Type blog, I felt more comfortable managing my weblog and changing the sidebars, for example adding headings, buttons, etc. In WordPress, I still feel a bit lost.

Joan also suggested I try using a Weblog Client that will enable me to compose blog entries. Earlier, Chris Teplovs recommended that I use Ecto, but I was reluctant to pay for it when there were free downloads available. Because I work on both a MAC and a PC, I also wanted to use something that worked cross-platform. So, I downloaded Deepest Sender on my Powerbook, but haven’t got it to work just yet. Not sure why it won’t work. I am pressed for time most of the time nowadays, so I am reluctant to spend a lot of time troubleshooting the technology perhaps.


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