
After a disconcerting hiatus from blogging as a result of utter immersion in thesis writing, I am back again. What was immensely confusing to me about WordPress while under thesis duress seems rather straightforward now that my dissertation draft is in to the committee.

A lot of progress has been gained on all of my projects (i.e., thesis, tech infusion, electronic interlanguage pragmatics) since the last blog entry. I’ll blog more about these in detail in the upcoming entries. I’ve participated in workshops at and presented papers at conferences (e.g. CSSE 2008 in Vancouver, ICLS 2008 in Utrecht, NL). I’ve been considering various job offers, both for research and teaching. Lots of stuff on the personal front also, though I’ll spare you the details 😉 So stay tuned!

Aside: Since working on the EILP project, I am hyper-conscious of electronic communications. When I write anything, I think of everything in terms of speech acts. Email and blog entries will never be the same…


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