About me

smiling asian woman with wavy long hair in dark blue suit

I am a learning specialist in the Office of Open Learning (OOL) at University of Windsor. My official job title is “Ancillary Academic Staff/Learning Specialist III (AAS/LS III),” which is a permanent or tenured faculty position, but I work in a central service unit to support faculty development, so I can also be called a faculty developer, educational developer, academic developer, instructional designer, or learning designer.

The responsibilities for my position are a little different from traditional faculty members. My role is 50% teaching, 30% service, and 20% research. For teaching in the OOL, I facilitate formal and informal professional development workshops, courses, and community of practice sessions for faculty, staff, and graduate student instructors on online course design, technologies, and online teaching. I am an Instructional Skills Workshop Facilitator.

For University service, I am currently

I was trained as an educational researcher and learning scientist at University of Toronto. I always take a scholarly approach to my work in the OOL, using an evidence-informed approach to designing instruction and contributing to collaborative grant writing efforts. I have co-authored with colleagues from many disciplines, including business, computer science, education, engineering, linguistics, and psychology. Take a look at my Publications page, or my research profiles:

ORCiD | Scopus Author ID | Web of Science ID |Google Scholar | Scholarship at UWindsor

In addition to my OOL position, I hold an appointment as an adjunct assistant professor in the Faculty of Education, and I am an affiliate researcher with the WE-SPARK Health Institute.

In Fall 2023, I taught an undergraduate language and media literacy course, a graduate research methods course, and a graduate digital educational technology course (online). Previously, I have taught required undergraduate courses in educational technology, and graduate courses in e-learning (online) and interpersonal relationships.

I am also a mother, a spouse to another academic, and an avid equestrian. You can find out more about my non-academic, horsey activities on the Equestrian page.