Category: Postdoc

  • Formative assessment, OLMs, and repertory grids

    This past week, I called on a couple of close colleagues–Cheryl Ann Madeira and Kimberley MacKinnon –at the University of Toronto for a favour. I was looking to find some resources on assessment to inform the design of the interface that we are designing for formative assessment in the Computational Social Science Laboratory (CSSL) at…

  • Settling in and getting on with design, repertory grids, etc.

    I’ve been in Denmark for about five months now. Ravi is right, it does take about six months in a new country before you feel settled in. Of course, it would have helped to have been able to stay in the same faculty housing the whole time, but we’ve moved twice since we arrived, first…

  • Postdoctoral research fellowship

    It’s been a while since I last blogged. The last few months have been a blur. First I moved back to Toronto from Paris, then packed up the family again and moved to Copenhagen. For me, it’s a big change on multiple fronts. There’s not only the culture shock in moving to a foreign country…

  • Postdoctoral research

    Here is a photo of me having lunch at Remy’s in Yorkville with Angela Chow, one of Marlene Scardamalia’s postdocs. It was great to learn about how Angela transitioned from working on her doctorate (supervised by Nancy Law) to working on her postdoctoral research extending her work on motivation. I’m hoping to do the same,…