Category: Uncategorized

  • Publishing educational research

    Last week, I spent a considerable amount of time shopping around for methodology courses (i.e., mixed methods, research frontiers in knowledge media design). I completed course work requirements long ago–I just thought it would be good to learn more about methodology because I think I’ll understand it better in the context of my own data.…

  • Re-envisioning the PhD

    I subscribe to a number of listservs still, in this age of RSS feeds and such. Every now and then, I get good links this way, and this site offers useful resources on all phases of obtaining a PhD might be of interest: This came from is the American Educational Research Association Graduate Student…

  • Knit Wit

    PC030001.JPG Originally uploaded by nfujita. Ball of Lana Grossa wool=$ 14.99. Set of 5 Prym double-pointed, 2.75mm needles=$6.95. 10 hours of labour per sock at $35/hour=$700. A pair of knitted socks knit by me? Priceless. I thought I’d share my non-academic side. In the summer, you’d find me working on garden design; in the winter,…

  • Tagging Life Goals

    In an effort to get myself tagging, I revisited a blog entry by Alex Halavais (I check on the “Keep New” checkbox in Bloglines for this purpose). While reading about what makes for a good tag, I noticed that he mentions a service called 43things that lets you tag life goals. There are lots of…

  • Categories and Tags

    Now that I can add categories to my blog and categorize the entries, I’ve been thinking about what categories I should add. When I began blogging, I added a category called “Blogs” to talk about weblogs. What else to add? My research leanings would urge me to choose categories that would help me improve my…

  • Happy Hallowe’en

    Happy Hallowe’en Originally uploaded by nfujita. Lately, I’ve been reviewing literature on reflection. Since many authors acknowledge Dewey (1910/1997) as the key originator in the 20th century of the concept of reflection, I picked up a copy of How We Think. Like his other texts, this one is full of wonderful quotes. Dewey defines reflective…

  • New and improved blog

    Wendy kindly solved the problems I was having with my blog template, and showed me how to add a blogroll. Now, I can login from the blog (link wasn’t there before) add/edit categories without getting an error message share some blogs I started aggregating in Bloglines in March 2005 Thanks Wendy! I can now start…

  • More on theory-practice gap

    Wendy’s blog entry about the theory-practice gulf struck me on a couple of levels. First, I recall discussing in a research group meeting about three years ago, where I was reviewing a paper for an international conference–a paper on the technology infrastructure for streaming powerpoint. At that time, I was critical of the transmission model…

  • Fun and Games

    Wendy sent me the link to this irresistible site that lets you construct your very own South Park character: Pretty neat! You can even select blood-shot graduate student eyes, should you choose to do so… I’m finally working on the draft of the paper on learning journals with Clare and Bruce that I started…

  • Culture of Teaching

    Earlier, I blogged about a conversation Amy and I had in response to Ben Levin’s keynote at the IKIT Summer Institute 2005. In talking about knowledge building as an educational reform, Levin suggested that new graduates from preservice programs are not likely to change the educational system significantly (i.e. scale up knowledge building). This made…