Tagging Life Goals

In an effort to get myself tagging, I revisited a blog entry by Alex Halavais (I check on the “Keep New” checkbox in Bloglines for this purpose). While reading about what makes for a good tag, I noticed that he mentions a service called 43things that lets you tag life goals. There are lots of people who want to finish phd, get an article published, pass my comps, etc. Better yet, you can change the goal classification from I want to do this to I’ve done this.

I still haven’t started tagging sites because I’m not sure how best to do this, and I’d like to do this well, given that people can see what I tag online. My uncertainty, I realize, is characteristic of critical reflection. Boud (2001) suggests that the more journal entries focus on perplexity, hesitation, doubt (Dewey, 1933), inner discomforts (Brookfield, 1987), or disorienting dilemmas (Mezirow et al., 1990) need to take into account the “interventions of those who may read one’s writing” (p.15). I know I should just start tagging and learn as I go how to do it better, but similar to when I first started contributing to online discussions or writing blog entries, I’m feeling tentative about it. Nothing untoward has happened so far, so I should get on with it. Just like I should get on with my thesis writing:)

Boud, D. (2001). Using journal writing to enhance reflective practice. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 90(Summer), 9-17.


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