Fun and Games

Wendy sent me the link to this irresistible site that lets you construct your very own South Park character:
Pretty neat! You can even select blood-shot graduate student eyes, should you choose to do so…

I’m finally working on the draft of the paper on learning journals with Clare and Bruce that I started working on in June. Clare has been using journals as an instructional tool for years, and Bruce uses them as the focus of his doctoral research. In my research, student learning journals provided another way to examine the students’ public discourse in Knowledge Forum. Since Bruce and I have similar data sets and overarching conceptual framework, our different perspectives should combine to present a deeper relational understanding of this tool, and make for a stronger paper.

I had collected literature on learning journals, learning logs, reflection journals, etc., but had to put it aside to write and review proposals as well as present at conferences. Then, I was on vacation, and then got caught up with coursework and teaching. No more excuses! Even though I’m in Ottawa for the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend (closing the cottage and tidying up the garden), I’m going to put aside a couple of hours each morning to write:)


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