Publishing educational research

Last week, I spent a considerable amount of time shopping around for methodology courses (i.e., mixed methods, research frontiers in knowledge media design). I completed course work requirements long ago–I just thought it would be good to learn more about methodology because I think I’ll understand it better in the context of my own data. Although both courses interested me a great deal, I decided to not take any courses; rather, I’ve decided to focus on writing my thesis. Wendy also reminded me to consider whether I want to take courses or publish. Thanks Wendy. If I want to be a scholar, I need to “contribute to the profession’s dialogue by publishing” (Klingner et. al. 2005). That much is clear.

Here are some resources that I found helpful, I hope you will too:

Klingner, J. K., Scanlon, D., & Pressley, M. (2005). How to publish in scholarly journals.Educational Researcher, 34(8), 14-20.

Niederhauser, D.S., Wetzel, K. (2005). From manuscript to article: Publishing educational technology research. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 13(4), 655-692.

Alton-Lee, A. (1998). A troubleshooter’s checklist for prospective authors derived from reviewer’s critical feedback. Teaching and Teacher Education, 14(8), 887-890.

Summary of Tara Gray’s Publish and Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar on Rick Reis’ Tomorrow’s Professor Mailing List


3 responses to “Publishing educational research”

  1. Thanks, very helpful!

  2. I couldn’t find the paper by Alton-Lee, A. (1998) in the Teaching and Teacher Education Journal. It is very weird. Are you sure the citation is correct? Thanks.

  3. Nobuko Avatar

    The ref is correct. You’ll find the Alton-Lee article in hard copy, but not in the online version. An oversight by the publishers, I’m afraid:(

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