Knit Wit


Originally uploaded by nfujita.

Ball of Lana Grossa wool=$ 14.99.
Set of 5 Prym double-pointed, 2.75mm needles=$6.95.
10 hours of labour per sock at $35/hour=$700.
A pair of knitted socks knit by me? Priceless.

I thought I’d share my non-academic side. In the summer, you’d find me working on garden design; in the winter, you’d find me working on a variety of knitting projects. I like knitting because the results of problem solving are so tangible. There’s a lot of tacit knowledge involved in knitting well, and I love learning to use a particular technique, when, and why, instead of another. While my friend Emily, an expert knitter, has developed automaticity for choosing a particular technique, I’m still figuring everything out. So, the short-row technique used for the heel and toe on this priceless creation took about three tries to get right. It’s rewarding, though, because it fits and looks better than a traditional American-style knitted sock.

There are lots of online resources for knitters out there (blogs, fora, etc.) Here’s one with videos:
on a variety of decreases


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