Category: Uncategorized

  • Revisiting the blog

    Since I moved to Windsor to become a faculty member, first in the Faculty of Education, and later in the Office of Open Learning, my blogging really slowed down. Finding time to reflect and write became a challenge with my academic workload of 50% teaching, 30% service, and 20% research. I was simply too busy…

  • CJLT article on online learning journals

    I am pleased to announce that the article Clare, Bruce and I wrote a while back is finally in print! Brett, C., Forrester, B. C., & Fujita, N. (2009). Online learning journals as an instructional and self-assessment tool for epistemological growth. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie,…

  • Midtown Option Critical Inquiry Conference – Part II

    On April 16, 2009, I delivered an invited presentation at the annual Critical Inquiry Conference  for the Midtown Option, a cohort in OISE/UT’s Initial Elementary Teacher Education Program. My talk, “Teacher inquiry:Learning in and from practice,” related some of my own experiences as a researcher in classrooms and schools. Inquiry ought to be regarded as…

  • Qwerty Masthead

    In a previous life, I worked in magazine publishing, where I got used to seeing my name in the mastheads of some 18+ different trade publications. It is a pleasure to see my name back in print again, this time in the context of academic publishing and with illustrious company!

  • Publishing Process

    This past week, I signed off on a publication on interactive whiteboards that I submitted with my co-authors Cathi and John in June 2008. I am proud of this effort because it’s my first first authored publication on research that is not related to my dissertation. It reports a much more practical, applied kind of…

  • Moving photos over

    My blog has moved many times–from Blogger to Movable Type, then WordPress as a part of GRAIL, and finally to the most recent migration outside of GRAIL. In so doing, some of my photos went awry (or is it awol?). Thanks to Joan and Chris, I have recovered the photos and am now in the…

  • Clafouti

    Another TO bucket list item, complete! If you are looking to savor a mean lemon tart, you might do worse than to visit Clafouti. I would have to do a side-by-side tasting to vote for my fave, but Dufflet Pastries also bakes lovely lemon tarts. They didn’t have any pain au chocolat left at Clafouti,…

  • Plurk

    On October 10, 2008 I began using Plurk, a “social journal for your life” Here’s my Plurk page It seems that Plurk has attracted some readers to my blog. Check out the Blog Stats (so geeky, I know, but I couldn’t resist 😉

  • Nuit Blanche

    Chris and I have been checking off more items on our TO bucket list. Last weekend, we savored a really great latté and banana loaf at Café Bernate, which is located just east of the Knit Cafe. The Cascade 220 superwash wool in this photo was actually purchased at Romni Wools. They give 10% discount…

  • Lakatos

    A while back, while writing my AERA 2007 paper, I became fascinated by Imre Lakatos. Here are some resources I found helpful: The London School of Economics and Political Science has a website commemorating the life and work of Imre Lakatos (1922-74) on his 80th birthday. Both mp3 and text versions of Science and Pseudoscience…