Category: Uncategorized

  • Nuit Blanche

    Chris and I have been checking off more items on our TO bucket list. Last weekend, we savored a really great latté and banana loaf at Café Bernate, which is located just east of the Knit Cafe. The Cascade 220 superwash wool in this photo was actually purchased at Romni Wools. They give 10% discount…

  • Lakatos

    A while back, while writing my AERA 2007 paper, I became fascinated by Imre Lakatos. Here are some resources I found helpful: The London School of Economics and Political Science has a website commemorating the life and work of Imre Lakatos (1922-74) on his 80th birthday. Both mp3 and text versions of Science and Pseudoscience…

  • Norms & knitting blogs

    A while back, Torill Mortensen noted that someone needs to write an article on knitting weblogs because there are many good ones out there that share information, create a community, and use photography and other graphics. There is at least one article that I know of on knitting blogs: Wei, C. (2004) Formation of norms…

  • Graphing my weblog

    Nobuko’s weblog as graph Originally uploaded by nfujita. Just for fun, check out websiteasgraph where you can generate a graph of a website, or in my case, my weblog!! There is also a flickr tag websiteasgraph where you can share them. Interestingly, I found reference to the websitegraph on a knitting blog, Mason-Dixon Knitting .…

  • Describing Knowledge Forum Visualizations

    Getting back to the visualization of KF activity, I’ll elaborate on what these graphical representations suggest about the students’ participation over time, and their relationships with each other and ideas in terms of build-on, reference, and annotations. (I know the photo has nothing to do with the visualizations, but I’m overjoyed that it is finally…

  • More on KF visualizations and NVivo

    I’ve been test coding in NVivo, and wondering how I can capture the richness of my data (hmm, sounds like something Bruce might say) while avoiding duplication of analyses available through tools like ATK and what Chris has been making great strides on using Ruby on Rails. For instance, do I code scaffolds in NVivo,…

  • SITE 2006

    Clare, Wendy and I are in Orlando, FL to present on GRAIL at an international conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, SITE2006. In our symposium on Monday, Clare introduced the background and conceptual framework for the project, and Wendy and I presented our questionnaire paper on students’ understandings of their graduate…

  • Positioning Yourself for a Career in Academia

    While GRAIL designers and software engineers met in the lab, I headed off to a workshop for women graduate students and postdocs offered by the Career Centre called Positioning Yourself for a Career in Academia with Kim and Latika. (left to right: Chris Teplovs, Mark Hume, Wendy Freeman & Clare Brett) The workshop was in…

  • Deadlines

    I spent about 48 hours writing two conference proceedings papers using Writely. Blood shot eyes, wild hair, articles stacked all over my office. And for a moment there, I thought I couldn’t upload the files onto the conference website! Wendy and I were co-authors on one paper in Writely, and we also gave each other…

  • Knitting Olympics

    P1210001.JPG Originally uploaded by nfujita. I’ve decided to enter the Knitting Olympics. I’m going to complete the lovely rabbit in Joelle Hoverson’s Last-Minute Knitted Gifts in 16 days, casting on on Feb. 10th and completing by Feb. 26th. This project wouldn’t be so challenging if I could just knit, but I have to squeeze in…