Graphing my weblog

Nobuko’s weblog as graph

Originally uploaded by nfujita.

Just for fun, check out websiteasgraph where you can generate a graph of a website, or in my case, my weblog!!

There is also a flickr tag websiteasgraph where you can share them. Interestingly, I found reference to the websitegraph on a knitting blog, Mason-Dixon Knitting . When you’re a graduate student researcher, soon everything starts to look like a potential research tool.

I’m not sure what the graph tells me about my links to other websites and weblogs. For example, is my weblog the green node encircled by the orange nodes in the bottom left quadrant? Are these orange nodes another weblog or weblogs I link to? Why are there other clusters (e.g. one with mostly red notes in upper left quadrant) at a distance? Do I link to these less frequently? Hmmm.


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