SITE 2006

Clare, Wendy and I are in Orlando, FL to present on GRAIL at an international conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, SITE2006.


In our symposium on Monday, Clare introduced the background and conceptual framework for the project, and Wendy and I presented our questionnaire paper on students’ understandings of their graduate student experiences. Wendy and I also presented our thesis work on weblogs and Knowledge Forum respectively, as they relate to the GRAIL project, and Clare presented co-authored papers on the infrastructure for Chris. It was great to present our work in progress and to be able to interact to others interested in our project.

On Tuesday, Clare and I connected to Kim and students in the educational psychology class via Polycom, with Wendy and Scott’s help:

Initially, the sound was good, we could hear and see everyone by controlling the camera.


Due to technical difficulties, though, we could see and hear the class,


but they couldn’t see or hear us. Frustration!!!


Clare and I also presented papers for Jim and Vanessa, who couldn’t join us. They are missing out on the terrific weather down here–warm and sunny!


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