Knitting Olympics


Originally uploaded by nfujita.

I’ve decided to enter the Knitting Olympics. I’m going to complete the lovely rabbit in Joelle Hoverson’s Last-Minute Knitted Gifts in 16 days, casting on on Feb. 10th and completing by Feb. 26th. This project wouldn’t be so challenging if I could just knit, but I have to squeeze in bouts of knitting in between data analysis and writing.

I’m using Blue Sky Alpacas Sportweight for the body and Debbie Bliss’ baby cashmerino substituted in place of angora for the ears. Wish me luck. My inspiration for knitting a toy may have been influenced by the students of the ed psych class. One of our students began knitting in class a couple of weeks ago, and this past week, four students were knitting scarves in class. I wonder how many will be knitting in class next week? Any way, one of the students asked me if I had ever knit a critter like the one on Knitty and whether I thought it would be difficult. I hadn’t, but I didn’t think it would be. I guess we’ll find out!


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