Category: Technology Infusion

  • Midtown Option Critical Inquiry Conference

    At the recent OISE Research Celebration, “an annual celebration of the issues that matter in educational research,” I was able to pick up a hard copy of the mini-grant publication to which I had contributed and touch base with my co-authors, Cathi and John, coordinators of the Midtown Option. Cathi, John, and I reflected and…

  • TaTE Preconference at CSSE 2008

    In my last entry I indicated that I will blog about what I have been up to in the last couple of months in more detail. So, here goes. At the end of May, I participated in a TatE preconference workshop at CSSE 2008. Norma Nocente, Thérèse Laferrière, and Renée Fontaine organized an exciting workshop,…

  • Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

    In an attempt to get ready for CSSE in Vancouver in May, I’ve started to write on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework and review relevant literature on IWB. In visiting the wiki on TPCK, I stumbled upon two professor blogs: Matthew J. Koehler’s and Punya Mishra’s At a recent departmental defense, it was mentioned that blogging is not a practice that…

  • Observing SMARTBoard lessons

    In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been part of a research team observing three teacher candidate and associate teacher pairs infuse interactive whiteboard technology into their lessons at a partnership school. So far, I’ve seen two of the three pairs, and am returning to see a second lesson of one of the pairs on…

  • SMARTBoard research

    The SMARTBoard research that I’ve been working on with Cathi and John is progressing rapidly! So far, we’ve surveyed the teacher candidates to get a sense of their technological background, skills, and attitudes toward technology infusion; and have offered support for three teacher candidate-associate teacher pairs as they planned math and science lessons that they…

  • SMART Ideas – infusing IWBs through collaboration

    Last month, I blogged about how I will be supporting Cathi and John infuse interactive whiteboards (IWBs) into their preservice teaching this year. Because it is a self-study, we are documenting the pedagogical decisions we make as we go along. I’m going to try to use this blog to record what I’m working on. From…

  • Interactive Whiteboard in Teacher Education

    After a year off from doing any teaching, this September I’ll be working as a program assistant for the elementary teacher education seminar and School and Society courses in the Midtown option in the OISE’s one-year initial teacher education program. I’m pretty excited to be working with Cathi and John, coordinators of the Midtown option.…