Category: Grad School

  • Guest lecture for a KMDI course

    Like Stian, I’ve been invited to give a talk for a course at University of Toronto’s Knowledge Media Design Institute. The graduate seminar course, Knowledge Communities: Patterns and Practices, is taught by Jim Slotta, Cheryl Madeira, and Hedieh Najafi. The  theme for the week is “knowledge building for 21st century knowledge communities,” which is at…

  • Convocation

    I can officially call myself Dr. Fujita now that I have convocated. My whole committee participated in the procession at the convocation ceremony on June 4th, which meant a lot to me.

  • Dissertation Defense

    Well, what a journey it has been! On December 8, 2008, I successfully defended my dissertation, Group Processes Supporting the Development of Progressive Discourse in Online Graduate Courses. A week later, I celebrated this event with dear friends and colleagues at L’Espresso Bar Mercurio, which is located across the street from OISE on Bloor Street…

  • The Toronto Bucket List

    Before I leave Toronto, I plan to experience its many attractions as a repose from the academic grind. Witness the flags marking thesis corrections: Fortunately, most of these are done. I am now just waiting for my committee and examiners to agree on an oral defense date. Meanwhile, I distracted myself with a rather more…

  • Articulating one’s theory

    Telling a compelling story that ties together all the findings in one’s research and articulating the contributions to the field can be a challenge. This YouTube video captures the difficulty in a humorous way.

  • Congratulations Clare!

    The GRAIL research group wanted to congratulate Clare on successfully completing her tenure process! Yay!!! To celebrate, Kim baked a special chocolate-vanilla cake:) We all got a piece…yum! and we got to surprise Clare, too! Well, Wendy and I don’t know about the surprise part, I think Clare was on to us 😉

  • Conferences and Community

    I just got back from the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK. What a great conference! Leading up to the conference, I was a bit reluctant about disrupting my thesis writing schedule, but once I was there, I was thrilled to meet and…

  • AERA 2007 – Part 2

    Well, they sure don’t call Chicago “The Windy City” for nothing! The following snapshots (taken after my presentation on Friday) really are deceptive. We only had a couple of sunny days during AERA. This is the view from the hotel where Wendy and I stayed. Fans of Wilco’s (2001) album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot will recognize…

  • AERA 2007 – Part 1

    Wendy, Hedieh and I from the Clare’s research group are in Chicago this week to present our papers and attend inspiring sessions. There are about 14,000 people registered for this conference, so it is a little overwhelming, to put it lightly. There are so many great sessions going on concurrently at various hotels! The three…

  • Research group meeting in KITL

    It’s been snowing steadily all day here, so I decided to attend today’s research group meeting virtually. Scott wanted to troubleshoot Macromedia Breeze in the Knowledge Innovation and Technology Lab (KITL) today, which worked pretty well. Four of us–Celynn, Julie, Gerald, and I–from various locations throughout Ontario connected by video online to the rest of…