Conferences and Community


I just got back from the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK. What a great conference! Leading up to the conference, I was a bit reluctant about disrupting my thesis writing schedule, but once I was there, I was thrilled to meet and network with so many people!

Hedieh and I presented in the same session. It was great to learn more about her MA research and meet her former supervisor, Tony. Hedieh’s presentation was really polished and well done. I look forward to seeing that paper published, Hedieh!

I presented on my doctoral thesis research, which is always a good thing, but particularly good this time because people who understand my research came to my talk, asked questions, and had some helpful suggestions. These included Thérèse, Bob, Norma, and Margaret, whom I already knew,
and new people like Larysa, who referred me to Andrew Feenberg’s TextWeaver.

Conferences are great because you get to know what other researchers are doing in your area. CSSE is a much smaller community than AERA, and you can get an enormous support from other researchers. I found out that really need to talk to Stéphane because there are some interesting common findings in our research. We’ll meet up at at IKIT Summer Institute 2007. So I look forward to that.

Other good news. Like Hedieh, my proposal for a paper using an Activity Theory framework was accepted for E-Learn, as well as Laura’s proposal for a web 2.0 approach to learning in health care. I know Thérèse will be there too. So, that should be another good conference to look forward to in the fall


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