AERA 2007 – Part 1

Wendy, Hedieh and I from the Clare’s research group are in Chicago this week to present our papers and attend inspiring sessions. There are about 14,000 people registered for this conference, so it is a little overwhelming, to put it lightly. There are so many great sessions going on concurrently at various hotels!

The three of us all attended Olivia and Jim’s presentation on Olivia’s recently-completed dissertation research, which I thought was really interesting. Wendy and I went to a session on the problem of wide-scale implementation of effective use of ICTs for instruction from an Activity Theory perspective in which Therese Laferriere, Bob Bracewell, and Paul Resta were presenters and Barry Fishman was the discussant. It was especially helpful for me to see how Therese and Bob had developed this research from last year, and to hear Barry’s comments. Anton, who’s been doing a lot of work in the Russian theorists lately, was there, too.

But the BIG event yesterday was the TACTL SIG business meeting, where Wendy (and Clare) was presented with an award for their outstanding paper.


I couldn’t snap a very good photo (sorry Wendy), but Therese took a better one of us:



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