Research group meeting in KITL

It’s been snowing steadily all day here, so I decided to attend today’s research group meeting virtually. Scott wanted to troubleshoot Macromedia Breeze in the Knowledge Innovation and Technology Lab (KITL) today, which worked pretty well.


Four of us–Celynn, Julie, Gerald, and I–from various locations throughout Ontario connected by video online to the rest of the group at OISE without having to use Bell (telephone/audio conferencing) as a backup. Though the sound was a bit spotty at times, it was good to see Clare,


Seeta, Kim, Wendy, Gloria, Hedieh, and Joan.

And when those in the lab forgot to monitor the chat, the rest of us shared some laughs 😉


Since these screencaps don’t really give a good sense of the KITL lab’s somewhat overwhelming ambient technology, here’s a photo from another recent session in there displaying the many screens projected onto the walls at once.

Ok, back to work for me!


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