Category: Connections

  • IKIT Summer Institute 2008

    Here’s a snapshot of a session I attended this morning at the IKIT Summer Institute called Principle-Based Teacher Development: Advances and Issues (left to right: Kimberley Mackinnon, Suzanne DeFroy, Clare Brett, Thérèse Laferrière, Katerine Bielaczyc, Carol Chan) And some more from lunch with Thérèse, Stephane, Ana and Chris taken on my Nokia cell phone and…

  • Dr. Wendy E. Freeman

    Here’s Dr. Freeman at her new office at Ryerson 🙂 It is now readily apparent that she is a faculty member!

  • ICLS 2008

    More recently, I was at ICLS 2008 in Utrecht, NL, where I participated in a First Timers Workshop and presented a paper based on my dissertation research. The First Timers Workshop organized by Marcia Linn, Janet Kolodner, and Naomi Miyake was fantastic. Here is the workshop description: The First Timers Mentoring Workshop is designed to…

  • TaTE Preconference at CSSE 2008

    In my last entry I indicated that I will blog about what I have been up to in the last couple of months in more detail. So, here goes. At the end of May, I participated in a TatE preconference workshop at CSSE 2008. Norma Nocente, Thérèse Laferrière, and Renée Fontaine organized an exciting workshop,…

  • Conferences and Community

    I just got back from the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK. What a great conference! Leading up to the conference, I was a bit reluctant about disrupting my thesis writing schedule, but once I was there, I was thrilled to meet and…

  • Teachers in Facebook

    What do you do when a student invites you to join a social networking site like Facebook? This happened to me recently. A former preservice student “tagged” me in one of these sites, and I received an email notification urging me to join: “Please respond or [student’s name] may think you said no :(” I…

  • AERA 2007 – Part 1

    Wendy, Hedieh and I from the Clare’s research group are in Chicago this week to present our papers and attend inspiring sessions. There are about 14,000 people registered for this conference, so it is a little overwhelming, to put it lightly. There are so many great sessions going on concurrently at various hotels! The three…

  • A process filled with doubt

    While waiting for my committee members’ feedback on a particular analysis, I’ve been working on another thesis chapter. In retrospect, I realize I could have written up this section on the first iteration of my design research study long ago. Those preliminary analyses actually were on the right track and do logically lead to the…

  • Gaming as designed experiences

    I saw the first part of a documentary called Gamer Revolution on CBC last night. I haven’t delved too far into the educational application of videogames, but this documentary did make a compelling case for the digital technologies that make it possible now to construct, investigate, and interrogate virtual worlds that are increasingly becoming a…

  • Grad school as you always imagined it

    Yesterday was a welcome reprieve from my data analysis and writing isolation. I connected with people in this field, both old and new, and doing so reminded me of how I always imagined my graduate school experience would be like. Over the past three years or so, Wendy and I’ve had many insightful conversations about…