OL Team Member Profile: Kyle Seguin

Each Friday in the coming few weeks, we will feature an Open Learning Team member profile. While you may be familiar with our day job identities, you may be surprised (and intrigued) by our hidden talents. You might even call them our “secret powers.”

Introducing Kyle Seguin


Our website doesn’t even feature our newest student media assistant, Kyle Seguin, yet because we’ve been so busy working on various projects. However, Kyle can often be seen wielding a microphone in the studio when during a video shoot and presenting our talent in their best light.



OL team in the studioHowever, don’t let Kyle’s professionalism and quiet competence post production fool you into thinking that he is any ordinary student media assistant from  the Department of Communications, Media and Film at the U.

Kyle’s alter ego is a 3rd degree black belt who has been practicing shorinji-ryu (Shōrinji-ryū) karate for 11 years. Kyle recently competed at the World Karate & Kickboxing Commission’s World Championship in Dublin, Ireland, where he won Bronze in the Men 18-34 Creative Weapons in the Mens Forms!  Congratulations on placing 3rd in the world, Kyle, we are all very proud of you!









In addition to studying full time and working for our Office, Kyle finds time to attend 4-5 karate classes a week that are approximately 2-4 hours in length and teach 1-hour private lessons to many of the younger students to prepare them for tournaments and their belt gradings. Kyle learned effective time management practices as he competed extensively between the ages of 13-16 in Southern Ontario and Michigan. He took 1st place in many divisions (forms, weapons forms, and point sparring) and even at tournament circuits (Great Lakes Karate Circuit, Michigan Sport Karate Circuit). Check out Kyle surrounded by some of his many trophies and medals!


Kyle surrounded by trophies

Kyle is really modest about all of his accomplishments. I had to tease all of this information out of him. I am sorry if we’re embarrassing you, Kyle, but we think it’s amazing that you can study while you work wonders on our media projects for online module, course, and program development as you continue to compete and teach karate on the side.


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