Not blogging. Fin.

As a PhD student, I blogged weekly. Mostly, my posts focused on ideas and people related to my research, and the connections therein. Occasionally, they would reveal my interests outside of academia, such as my late pug dog or knitting.

Then I became a mother, a postdoc, and then a professor. Between family and academic work, I did not have much time or energy left over for blogging.

Later, I transitioned into becoming an educational developer and now I blog even less. My attention is split over 20+ teaching-focused projects (I stopped counting at 20). When I write, I have been advised to write peer-reviewed papers or presentations, or to mobilize my knowledge on platforms like The Conversation rather than to blog about outside interests, such as riding horses.

I feel a little sad about this, because I did enjoy writing blog posts once. Much learning happens informally, and in rather unexpected ways. For example, in the last six months, I have learned so much about metacognitive strategies and attentional focus from my riding coach, Xavier, who has the highest international teaching certification (level 3) in the sport of eventing. Remembering jumping courses has always been a challenge for me. My narrow, internal focus that makes me a good academic often impairs my ability to focus externally, to turn my horse towards the next fence, to find a good line, to maintain the same rhythm and balance, and to find a distance for take off. Fortunately, my young pony partner, Marshmallow, is very athletic, and will take over to problem solve for me I mess up. Who knew.


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