So I lied

people holding assorted-color LED lights. Photo by Katya Austin on Unsplash

Culminating Extend Activity

In my last post, I said I was done with blogging after 15 years of blogging. So, I lied. I am posting a reflection on my blog to get an Ontario Extend Experimenter badge. I am not sure why I feel compelled to get a badge, since the last time I got a badge (for a gaming workshop with James Gee at the Chang School Talks 2016), I let it expire before putting it on my LinkedIn profile.

I like experimenting with new things, though, so I thought I would give it a go. The badge looks like this:

The nice people at eCampusOntario (Lindsay Woodside and Lillian Hogendoorn) said they would give me an extension to complete the required activities, continue accessing the TESS Experimenters PressBook, and encouraged me to join the OOLN Slack community (I am a member, I just haven’t been on Slack much). To obtain my badge, I am submitting evidence of

  • Completion of at least 3 Daily Extends
  • Completion of at least 1 Deep Dive Extend
  • Reflection on the Experimenter activities via blog post and tweeting/sharing a link to the blog to @ontarioextend with the hashtag #oextend.

3 Daily Extend Activities

My Daily Extend Activities included the following tweets for #oext 2, #oext6, and #oext4. I chose these because these did not take too much time away from my other professional responsibilities.

Tweets @ontarioextend for Daily Extend activities

1 Deep Dive Activity

I created my own H5P content as part of my TESS Experimenters activity in PressBooks. I have a free WordPress account, not a business account, so I can’t install the H5P plugin on this particular WordPress blog.


Following Fostaty, Young, & Wilson’s (2000) Ideas, Connections, and Extensions (ICE) framework for reflections, I reflected using the H5P Documentation tool at

This tool allows learners to export their reflections as a .docx file: exported-text.docx

Now, the Daily Extend activities did not take much time. However, it took a lot longer than 30 minutes to build a H5P and craft a reflection in the H5P documentation tool. Like many faculty members, I am bad at reading instructions, but I am also a reflective individual and so it took me more time to write. Hope this is helpful for everyone.


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