Publishing Process

This past week, I signed off on a publication on interactive whiteboards that I submitted with my co-authors Cathi and John in June 2008. I am proud of this effort because it’s my first first authored publication on research that is not related to my dissertation. It reports a much more practical, applied kind of research based on my teaching in OISE/UT’s initial elementary teacher education program, and in partnership with a local public school. You can download the final report here:


To give you a sense of the context in which I wrote this paper, around the same time, I had just presented an earlier version of this paper at CSSE 2008 in Vancouver, BC in May; submitted a full draft of my dissertation to my committee; and was preparing to present a full paper at ICLS 2008 in Utrecht. So busy. I am pretty excited to see this final product, complete with author photos and bios.

iwb-author pics

Also this week, I completed a review of a journal article submitted to Discourse Processes.  I have reviewed for other journals, for example,  Journal of Educational Computing Research and Qwerty (click on the tab), but I was particularly proud of this one because I really feel that I have expertise in the area in which I was asked to review!

Next week, I’m going to be focusing on polishing off a manuscript that I wrote with Clare a while back, and possibly starting work on turning an AERA paper into a journal publication, if I can juggle it with a couple of proceedings for CSCL 2009 due soon…


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