Author: admin

  • Teaching online

    In the Winter 2013 term, I’m teaching two graduate courses in addition to the preservice instructional technology courses that I’ve been teaching. The first course, Research in Education, is a required course in the master’s program and taught mostly face-to-face with some blended elements. The second one, E-learning and Education, is an online course using…

  • Academic work-life balance

    Being the kind of parent, especially a pre-tenure academic parent, that I aspire to be to two small kids is no easy feat. Before I began an assistant professorship at UWindsor, I spent some time overseas and had a chance to observe differences between parenting practices in Europe (mostly France and Denmark, but also in…

  • Redeploying FARGO at UWindsor

    Conducting research as a faculty member is not without its challenges, especially when you are collecting data from students that you teach in your own classes. I’m a design-based researcher. This means that I usually collaborate closely with teachers and developers to implement designs of innovative technologies or instructional interventions. When I’m in the dual…

  • Blogging

    I noticed that I haven’t blogged since I returned to the university in July 2012, after my leave ended. I find it hard to write regular blog entries as a faculty member. Blogging does not count towards my promotion and tenure review (PTR) and so it’s unfortunately fallen off my priority list. However, I do…

  • Editor’s Perspective

    Although I have served as a reviewer for various conferences (e.g., AERA, CSSE, ICLS, CSCL) and journals (e.g., Computers & Education, Discourse Processes), I only recently had the pleasure of overseeing the submission review process from the other side, from the perspective of the editor who oversees the journal article publication process. I used open…

  • Motherhood and Academia – continued

    A couple of years ago, I wrote a post about the challenges of blogging, writing and research as a first-time mother. At the time, I had just completed my PhD and was on maternity leave before starting my postdoc. It was a nerve-wracking time for me back then because I was just figuring out how…

  • Windsor II: Writing

    I managed to submit a SSHRC Insight Development grant application last week, which was a feat given that I have a two month old, a toddler, a spouse who is also an academic, and a demanding pug dog! I was fortunate enough to be able to get feedback on an early draft from the Research…

  • Windsor I: Teaching and Research

    It’s been about three months since I started working as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. In that time, I set up shop both on campus and at home, and am only now getting to blogging about it. I teach six sections (4 primary/junior, 2 junior/intermediate) of an…

  • Entering the professorate

    While in Hong Kong for the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2011) conference, I received a job offer to become Assistant Professor in E-Learning in the Faculty of Education at University of Windsor, in Windsor, Ontario. This was an exciting moment for me, as I was able to announce this appointment the next day in…

  • Academic workflow: Taking notes on readings, finding notes, writing papers

    I recently joined the CSCL2011 Conference HK Facebook Group and Stian Håklev’s status update about his academic workflow caught my eye. He uses an impressive collection of technologies– Skim, BibDesk, DokuWiki and Kindle–along with “a bunch of little ‘glue-scripts’.” to integrate his note taking on PDFs, citation metadata, and ideas (see his wiki for details).…