Windsor II: Writing

I managed to submit a SSHRC Insight Development grant application last week, which was a feat given that I have a two month old, a toddler, a spouse who is also an academic, and a demanding pug dog!

I was fortunate enough to be able to get feedback on an early draft from the Research Leadership Chair, Dragana Martinovic and the Research Officer Natasha Wiebe. Thank you Dragana and Natasha for your encouragement! This was especially helpful for me as an early career applicant. Although I’ve worked as a postdoc and graduate researcher on various kinds of research grants, it’s the first time I’m applying as a faculty member. I needed some advice on my proposal, of course, but also suggestions for justifying the budget and to tweak the knowledge mobilization strategy. It was kind of neat to be able to describe how my research aligned with the SSHRC priority area of digital economy, especially the line of inquiry for building digital skills for tomorrow because I was invited to contribute recommendations for this through a roundtable consultation document at the University of Toronto in 2010.

Shortly after I submitted the grant, I promptly caught the adenovirus that every other member of the family (except for the dog) had been sick with! Nasty bug! I am finally working on a discussion chapter for the Productive Multivocality book. I’ve plugged away at it on and off for a while, but now an imminent deadline looms!


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