Tag: publication

  • Editor’s Perspective

    Although I have served as a reviewer for various conferences (e.g., AERA, CSSE, ICLS, CSCL) and journals (e.g., Computers & Education, Discourse Processes), I only recently had the pleasure of overseeing the submission review process from the other side, from the perspective of the editor who oversees the journal article publication process. I used open…

  • ICLS 2010

    Last week, though it seems like a long time ago now, I was in Chicago for ICLS 2010 to present a paper based on my thesis that I co-authored with Chris: Fujita, N. & Teplovs, C. (2010). Software-based scaffolding: Supporting the development of knowledge building discourse in online courses. Gomez, K., Lyons, L., & Radinsky,…

  • CJLT article on online learning journals

    I am pleased to announce that the article Clare, Bruce and I wrote a while back is finally in print! Brett, C., Forrester, B. C., & Fujita, N. (2009). Online learning journals as an instructional and self-assessment tool for epistemological growth. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie,…

  • Publishing Process

    This past week, I signed off on a publication on interactive whiteboards that I submitted with my co-authors Cathi and John in June 2008. I am proud of this effort because it’s my first first authored publication on research that is not related to my dissertation. It reports a much more practical, applied kind of…