Tag: LAK’11

  • Learning Analytics vs. Academic Analytics

    Stian Håklev : It was a great conference, and I would have loved to see you there, but Vatrapu did an excellent job at presenting (he should get most valued presenter for all the different talks he had to do). It will be interesting to see if they make it an annual event, and where…

  • Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2011 (LAK11)

    Thanks Ravi for presenting our papers in bone-chilling Banff, Alberta! It was quite a thrill to watch the live feed of the conference from my living room in Copenhagen, Denmark. Being on CET, I was eight hours ahead of MT so it was very late (around midnight). Still, very interesting to simultaneously watch the conference…

  • Postdoctoral research fellowship

    It’s been a while since I last blogged. The last few months have been a blur. First I moved back to Toronto from Paris, then packed up the family again and moved to Copenhagen. For me, it’s a big change on multiple fronts. There’s not only the culture shock in moving to a foreign country…