Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2011 (LAK11)

Ravi Vatrapu presenting our LAK11 papers in Banff

Thanks Ravi for presenting our papers in bone-chilling Banff, Alberta! It was quite a thrill to watch the live feed of the conference from my living room in Copenhagen, Denmark. Being on CET, I was eight hours ahead of MT so it was very late (around midnight). Still, very interesting to simultaneously watch the conference presentations, follow the tweets (#lak11), and access Stian’s notes via Etherpad.

The reasons I couldn’t make it to Banff in person were because 1) I had to be in Oslo, Norway in the days right after the conference (more on that soon), and 2) I balked at the idea of traveling so far with a toddler who would likely stay on CET. I had been really looking forward to going to Banff because I thought it would be exciting to take part in the first international conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge and meet the people who are working on advancing this field. Plus, it was in Banff, and it would have been nice to revisit my old haunts–I lived in the Rockies for a short stint after my undergrad and before my MA. I hope to participate in future LAK conferences and connect with these colleagues in the near future. I wonder where the next LAK conference might be held?

Here are the papers that we presented:

Vatrapu, R., Teplovs, C., Fujita, N. & Bull, S. (2011). Towards Visual Analytics for Teachers’ Dynamic Diagnostic Pedagogical Decision-Making. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Banff, AB.Download paper

Teplovs, C., Fujita, N. & Vatrapu, R. (2011). Generating Predictive Models of Learner Community Dynamics. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Banff, AB. Download paper


One response to “Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2011 (LAK11)”

  1. It was a great conference, and I would have loved to see you there, but Vatrapu did an excellent job at presenting (he should get most valued presenter for all the different talks he had to do). It will be interesting to see if they make it an annual event, and where it might be next year. Would also love to hear some of your reflections on the papers that were presented – it’s an interesting mix, both of research and people. Some have been working with similar stuff for 10-20 years, others are quite new to the game. Also very different crowd that does learning analytics for big for-profit universities to prevent people from dropping out, and for example the CSCL group.

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