Tag: formative assessment

  • Redeploying FARGO at UWindsor

    Conducting research as a faculty member is not without its challenges, especially when you are collecting data from students that you teach in your own classes. I’m a design-based researcher. This means that I usually collaborate closely with teachers and developers to implement designs of innovative technologies or instructional interventions. When I’m in the dual…

  • Formative assessment, OLMs, and repertory grids

    This past week, I called on a couple of close colleagues–Cheryl Ann Madeira and Kimberley MacKinnon –at the University of Toronto for a favour. I was looking to find some resources on assessment to inform the design of the interface that we are designing for formative assessment in the Computational Social Science Laboratory (CSSL) at…

  • Postdoctoral research fellowship

    It’s been a while since I last blogged. The last few months have been a blur. First I moved back to Toronto from Paris, then packed up the family again and moved to Copenhagen. For me, it’s a big change on multiple fronts. There’s not only the culture shock in moving to a foreign country…