Thesis Timeline

Like Bruce and Wendy, I like to make many lists. Like this one. I’m actually not too far off from the timeline that I laid out in my thesis proposal. I said I’d be analyzing and writing right now, and I am. What I didn’t anticipate was how long data analysis would take, and the many distractions–submitting proposals, reviewing proposals, presenting at conferences, collaborative projects, teaching, personal life, etc.–that kept me from focusing exclusively on my data analysis. Thus, I feel I’m about 6 months behind where I would have liked to be on my analyses. I’d really like to finish up before my funding runs out!

Sept 2002 Start program full-time
May 2003 Run tentative thesis topic by research group
Jul.-Aug. Lit review for Clare’s SSHRC proposal
Oct. Choose new thesis topic

Dec. Write course paper exploring theoretical framework

Jan. 2004 Lit review for comps complete
Apr. Methodology for comps complete; passed comps; designed instruments; secured ethical approval
May Committee members selected
May-Jun. Iteration 1 data collection
Jun. Thesis proposal hearing
Jun.-Jul. Transcribing, coding, data analysis begun
Aug. Course design and intervention refinement
Sept.-Dec. Iteration 2 data collection
Dec. Intervention refinement
Jan.-Apr. 2005 Iteration 3 data collection; data collection completed
May-Nov. data analysis
Nov. Commit to data analysis and write up
Goal: May 2006 First draft of thesis!!!


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