Reading academics’ blogs

As a budding academic, I enjoy reading blogs by fellow ABDs and professors, especially those that reveal more intimate personal identities alongside professional ones. Reading these blogs puts my frantic schedule analyzing data, writing, presenting, and trying to get published into perspective. These academics who parent and teach on top of their research commitments puts me to shame, really. I have the luxury of working on my thesis full-time. My “parenting” duties are confined to spoiling my dog. Although I’m at a distance from campus, I’m also fortunate to be involved in a number of research projects and collaborations so important for my future.

There are many impressive academic moms who blog. How do I even start listing these? I’ll just mention Academia, Parenthood, Caffeine and Wool because I like to knit, as does Wendy, and the photos of Jenny’s creations are inspiring 🙂 I’m also fascinated by an academic dad who blogs: Confessions of a Community College Dean. There, you’ll see many links to other academic blogs, and more links on those blogs and so on and so on.


2 responses to “Reading academics’ blogs”

  1. Laura O'Grady Avatar
    Laura O’Grady

    Another interesting blog is Jason Nolan’s, found at:

    Jason writes about a wide variety of things, including education. I guess he mostly shares his observations about culture, which can be quite entertaining.

  2. Jason’s is the first one I looked at, actually, after we heard his talk on blogs at the Nexus Conference way back in May 2003. I guess I should go and read up on his recent activity since he moved from scholar in residence at KMDI to Ryerson University 🙂

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