Teacher Education and Identity

Recently, I’ve been checking out TeacherEd.com, powered by ELGG, an open source “personal learning landscape.” It is pretty neat, and I like that I can present my story of becoming an educational researcher as it were, and talk to others in teacher education also interested in learning technologies, constructivist learning theory, etc.

Online spaces like these are potentially valuable for investigating learning as a process of “becoming a different person” and “involves the construction of identity” according to Lave & Wenger (1991, p. 53). What that identity is, of course, depends on how you define it. For an interesting take on identity as “a set of reifying, significant, and endorsable stories about a person,” you may want to read Anna Sfard & Anna Prusak’s (2005) article in the May issue of the Educational Researcher, available online at http://aera.net.


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