
In More on multiple communities, I worried about extreme right-wing groups forming networks, and actually found an article about this by Luca Tateo in the Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (JCMC).

On a more positive note, check out the other interesting JCMC articles at .One is about how teens explore their identity in blogs and the language they use. Another is about the language of online intercultural community formation. The JCMC website has had a bit of a makeover since Susan Herring became the editor. It’s easier to search and navigate to the relevant articles.


2 responses to “Networks”

  1. Laura O'Grady Avatar
    Laura O’Grady

    Hi Nobuko,

    I recently discovered a prof at York is having her students to blog. Here’s the story,

  2. Thanks Laura. I think York has been trying out blogs for a while. Remember we went to Jason Nolan’s talk on weblogs, “Blogs and Weblogs: Opportunities and Conceptual Firewalls” at the Nexus Conference in May 2003??

    p.s. Moveable Type should have text formatting, hyperlink button in the commenting box, too! Hand coding html doesn’t seem to take

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