Aggregating Weblogs

Wendy showed me the affordances of Bloglines for aggregating weblogs in November 2004, but hadn’t taken the time to actually take advantage of it myself. Partly, was waiting for Brian to construct the GRAIL aggregator, but these kinds of technological projects always take much longer than one hopes! More recently, I read about how Laura had installed this free download on her computer, which piqued my curiosity. So, this past week, I finally set up Bloglines to aggregate the course and research group blogs (in folders), as well as a few other weblogs (in top level view). I also set up Bloglines to notify me every 24 hours when there were new entries, similar to how I set up the notifier in Knowledge Forum.

While I had been receiving regular updates on the other weblogs that I subscribed to, the greatest reward came this morning, when I could read the aggregated recent blog entries made by my research group and CTL1608 colleagues. Not having to navigate to every single blog to see if there was a new entry is fantastic! I look forward to our own aggregator, one that includes other weblogs that I might not know about and would be useful to me.

For example, using Bloglines, I subscribe to weblogs about the use of weblogs in education such as Weblogg-ed
and those pertaining to the doctoral experience like
Mathemagenic. I heard about these weblogs from Wendy originally, and though I’ve found other relevant weblogs, it would be helpful for me if there were links to other blogs that others researchers in my area had found useful in one virtual place.


One response to “Aggregating Weblogs”

  1. It’s great to hear your experiences re-enforce my belief that Blogs are only one part of the whole. I really believe that it is the aggregator that creates the community, bringing people together. Without it, weblogs are much more isolated.

    I’d be interested in knowing more about the blogs that you find interesting.


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