Author: admin

  • First Annual Odette Open Learning Symposium 2014

    I had the great pleasure of organizing the first annual Odette Open Learning Symposium 2014 (OLS2014). The goal of the event was to expose faculty and sessional instructors at the Odette School of Business and across University of Windsor campus to innovative technologies and pedagogies for open, online and blended learning delivery. OLS2014 was a…

  • Blended Learning Design, Echo360 technology, LectureTools

    Last week, I attended the Blended Learning and Teaching Course Design Institute hosted by Nick Baker of the Office of Open Learning and Lorie Stolarchuk of the Centre for Teaching and Learning here at the University of Windsor. The first day focused on an introduction to blended learning, then how to design courses to promote…

  • ePortfolios at Odette

    Shortly after I arrived at Odette, I began collaborating with Natalie Yun, Dr. Martha Reavley and Kerry Gray to implement ePortfolios for personal leadership development in the Odette MBA program using WordPress. Natalie collected questionnaire, interview, and eportfolio data from about 43 participants as part of her MBA major paper. Preliminary data analysis has yielded…

  • Constructing Identity as a Researcher

    It’s been a busy few months since I moved to the Odette School of Business from the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor in August 2013. This was a period of transition both in terms of physical office moves (I moved from one building to another, then a couple more moves in the…

  • Personal Leadership Development ePortfolios

    Dr. Martha Reavley, Natalie Yun and I are collaborating on a research project investigating the use of ePortfolios for personal leadership development and in the MBA program at the Odette School of Business. Students have begun to post entries on their WordPress ePortfolios as part of the assessment criteria for the Interpersonal Dynamics course. It…

  • MOOCs: Money Making Schemes?

    Sally Roy from Visual Academy emailed me out of the blue–a cold call of sorts–and asked me to blog about what I thought of the infographic called “The Money Making Schemes of MOOCs” The first bit looks like this (see below). Originally, I hoped to blog on it myself, but I decided that it would…

  • Moving to the Odette School of Business



    Effective August first, I have moved to the Odette School of Business from the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. It’s an exciting new opportunity for me to carry on with my work on supporting faculty and staff develop online and blended courses and programs at the “U.” I will be doing much the same…

  • Austerity in academia

    There’s been some shocking news lately from Alberta, of all provinces, in terms of budget cuts and changes to post secondary education. Thursday’s provincial budget announced a three percent funding cut, or a cut of $147 million. This is a pretty serious threat to the quality of higher education and to the student experience. Cuts…

  • Academic Work-Life Imbalance

    Back in November, I wrote about trying to achieve work-life balance as an academic mom with two small children, two demanding dogs, and an academic spouse. I must confess that I have not attained this goal, but rather have succeeded in attaining its opposite–academic work-life imbalance! That is, I tend to work a lot. Perhaps…

  • Teaching with Blackboard Collaborate

    Last night, I had my second “Virtual Classroom” session with students from my online graduate course called “E-Learning and Education.” This time, a smaller group of three students from the class and I were able to connect for a videoconferencing session for just over an hour. It was much more successful than last time. We…