Zhanna and Julie
Zhanna and Julie

On Friday October 3, Julie Kerekes, Zhanna Perhan and I presented our paper, The Pragmatics of Questions in Teacher-Student E-Mails, at the at the The First North American Workshop on Pragmatics (NAWPRA):

NAWPRA – North American Workshop on Pragmatics – is an initiative conceived to provide scholars working in the field of pragmatics with a forum in which to debate and exchange ideas. It is a small format, annual conference designed to maximize participation and networking. NAWPRA is also committed to the diffusion of new trends within the field of pragmatics through an annual publication of papers selected from those presented at the workshop. We hope that such publication will lead to the establishment of a new journal in the field.

It was really great experience collaborating on this paper with Julie and Zhanna as part of the Electronic Interlanguage Communications Project. They are sociolinguists; I am a learning scientist. This kind of interdisciplinary work is always inspiring. We bring such different lenses to inquiry, and the collaboration is really helpful in urging us towards writing for publication.


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