Tag: Facebook

  • Redeploying FARGO at UWindsor

    Conducting research as a faculty member is not without its challenges, especially when you are collecting data from students that you teach in your own classes. I’m a design-based researcher. This means that I usually collaborate closely with teachers and developers to implement designs of innovative technologies or instructional interventions. When I’m in the dual…

  • Windsor I: Teaching and Research

    It’s been about three months since I started working as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. In that time, I set up shop both on campus and at home, and am only now getting to blogging about it. I teach six sections (4 primary/junior, 2 junior/intermediate) of an…

  • Tacit knowledge, Inuit knowledge, knowledge sharing and Facebook

    I have the great pleasure of supervising a master’s student, Chris Paton, in the Master in ICT and Learning (MIL) Program, a 2-year, online part-time graduate program offered by a collaboration between five Danish Universities: Aalborg University, Aarhus University, Copenhagen Business School, Danish Pedagogical University, and University of Roskilde. Chris Paton is a teacher of…