Tag: Blackboard Collaborate

  • First Annual Odette Open Learning Symposium 2014

    I had the great pleasure of organizing the first annual Odette Open Learning Symposium 2014 (OLS2014). The goal of the event was to expose faculty and sessional instructors at the Odette School of Business and across University of Windsor campus to innovative technologies and pedagogies for open, online and blended learning delivery. OLS2014 was a…

  • Teaching with Blackboard Collaborate

    Last night, I had my second “Virtual Classroom” session with students from my online graduate course called “E-Learning and Education.” This time, a smaller group of three students from the class and I were able to connect for a videoconferencing session for just over an hour. It was much more successful than last time. We…

  • Teaching online

    In the Winter 2013 term, I’m teaching two graduate courses in addition to the preservice instructional technology courses that I’ve been teaching. The first course, Research in Education, is a required course in the master’s program and taught mostly face-to-face with some blended elements. The second one, E-learning and Education, is an online course using…