Category: My Research

  • Top 10 reasons you should come to Windsor

    Having lived in Paris, Copenhagen, Toronto, and Vancouver, I can honestly vouch for Windsor, Ontario, Canada as a great place to live and work. You can read why Huffington post thinks Windsor is the place for creative folks and artists here  but below are some more reasons why I think you should move to Windsor and…

  • Designing a MOOC: UWill Discover! Undergraduate Research Conference

    A long admirer of Don Norman’s work, I own a first edition, first printing of the original version of his book, The Psychology of Everyday Things. Norman kindly signed the book for me after his guest lecture at the University of Toronto eight years ago. Over the years, the book has been renamed The Design of Everyday Things (DOET) and…

  • Flow

    Recently, while conducting a literature search for yet another grant application, I came across the Wikipedia entry on flow.  I have long been fascinated by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s psychological concept of  flow, which describes a mental state in which one is completely immersed or focused in performing an activity. According to the entry, flow has applications in education,…

  • Open Learning at UWindsor – Part 2

    We’ve been busy in the Office of Open Learning! In early October, the Ministry for Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) announced a call for applications to the Ontario’s Shared Online Course Fund 2014-2015, which will provide institutions for up to $75,000 per course or module to: design and develop new online courses; redevelop existing online…

  • Open Learning at UWindsor – Part 1

    The first couple of months in my new role as the Online Learning Specialist in the Office of Open Learning at the University of Windsor has been quite a blast! My new office is the CoLlab (Collaborative Open Learning Laboratory) located in Erie Hall, Room 1110. It’s reminiscent of the lab that I worked in…

  • Office of Open Learning…here I come!

    Back in January, I blogged about constructing my identity as a researcher. At the time, I was transitioning into my role as the Distance Education Course Development Coordinator at the Odette School of Business after having worked as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education. Now I am making yet another transition to serve in The Office…

  • Testing the Polldaddy feature

    [polldaddy poll=8267327]

  • First Annual Odette Open Learning Symposium 2014

    I had the great pleasure of organizing the first annual Odette Open Learning Symposium 2014 (OLS2014). The goal of the event was to expose faculty and sessional instructors at the Odette School of Business and across University of Windsor campus to innovative technologies and pedagogies for open, online and blended learning delivery. OLS2014 was a…

  • Constructing Identity as a Researcher

    It’s been a busy few months since I moved to the Odette School of Business from the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor in August 2013. This was a period of transition both in terms of physical office moves (I moved from one building to another, then a couple more moves in the…

  • Personal Leadership Development ePortfolios

    Dr. Martha Reavley, Natalie Yun and I are collaborating on a research project investigating the use of ePortfolios for personal leadership development and in the MBA program at the Odette School of Business. Students have begun to post entries on their WordPress ePortfolios as part of the assessment criteria for the Interpersonal Dynamics course. It…