Co-authored paper projects

Now that I’ve recovered somewhat from the jet lag and inevitable cold that accompanies me home from Europe, I can get to work again on various paper projects.

There are those with obvious deadlines coming up, and then there are those with no definite deadlines that I have to just submit to journals despite strong desire to keep fiddling with them.

One with a deadline is an AERA 2010 paper with John and Cathi on infusing IWBs into initial teacher education. This one is on my teaching research. Though I am the first author on it, my collaborators lend much expertise as experienced teachers and teacher educators. We wrote up parts of this paper with the three of us on a desktop after a few rounds of circulating drafts on email.

One without a deadline is one from my thesis research where I focus on software-based scaffolding. It is mostly written, but I could flesh out the discussion and conclusion some more. I should pass it over to my co-author to massage it a bit, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet!

Another one without a deadline, the one on written feedback to develop research ideas in teacher-student emails, is also in a mostly finished state, but needs to be polished up a bit. I see this one in a different light (formative assessment) based on work on the other paper.

There are other papers besides that elaborate some exciting ideas coming out of the STELLAR workshop.  So I really must unpack boxes to get our home office set up and ready to write!


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