Pattern Recognition

pattern recognition

At IKIT Summer Institute 2008, I had the pleasure of meeting Peter Hayes, the Information Technologist for Roslyn Public Schools in New York. Over sushi dinner, he asked me to complete the sequence above. The clue here is the title of this entry, which is particularly appropriate given that the annual Sushi Night was inspired by William Gibson’s Neuromancer . Gibson more recently wrote a novel called Pattern Recognition😉

For more details about the story behind the (in)famous Sushi Night and the James Joyce Society, contact Sandy McAuley!


One response to “Pattern Recognition”

  1. Peter Hayes Avatar
    Peter Hayes

    Hi Nobuko! It’s Pete. Hope you folks are doing great. I appreciate the kind words from your blog entry of August 18, 2008… and the unique and unexpected experience of encountering my own handwriting as a result of doing a Google search on “Suzanne DeFroy”. My surprise was total.
    Suzanne and I are discussing possible joint projects in the area of secondary mathematics. More on that as it develops. Regards to your husband and everyone there.

    warmly, Peter

    Note: Peter commented on my GRAIL blog,, but I am having problems logging in to it to approve the comment, so I pasted the comment here!

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