Category: Connections

  • How did I learn to research?

    I began this entry a while back, when I read a section in Latour & Woolgar (1979) that resonated with me in reflecting on how I learned to research: Almost without exception, every discussion and brief exchange observed in the laboratory centred around one or more items in the published literature (Latour, 1976). In other…

  • My thoughts on a PhD

    Clare and Wendy have blogged about what a PhD means to them, which made me wonder what it means to me. For me, becoming a PhD is about having the freedom and support to do research that interests me and makes a difference to my field. I want to be a good researcher. It’s not…

  • Finding and Connecting

    Wendy’s thoughts on finding things vs. making connections reminds me of something Earl casually said about graduate students in relation to my thesis research at a research group meeting. At the graduate level, he suggested that students are dealing with not so much with finding new things, but more so with the linking up of…

  • Connecting

    On my commutes to and from campus, I often meet other academics who make the 1.5 to 2 hour bus ride each way much more pleasant. Yesterday, for example, I sat with a Trent professor whose reaction upon finding out that I was a fourth-year doctoral student was, “Oh, I’m so sorry” 🙂 She teaches…