
Most of my peer-reviewed journal publications are open access. Feel free to contact me if you do not have access.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Cacciamani, S., & Fujita, N. (2023). Promoting life competences in the knowledge society: The contribution of the Knowledge Building Model for educational systems, Interaction Design and Architecture(s) – IxD&A, 57(2). 

Cacciamani, S., Verrucci, V., & Fujita, N. (2021, July 3). Promoting Students’ Collective Cognitive Responsibility through Concurrent, Embedded and Transformative Assessment in Blended Higher Education Courses. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning, 26 (2021), 1169-1194 .  

Fujita, N. (2020). Transforming online teaching and learning: towards learning design informed by information science and learning sciences. Information and Learning Sciences, 121(7/8), 503-511.

Baker, N., Freer, J., Fujita, N., Higgison, A., Lubrick, M., Sabourin, B. M., Sylvester, J., & van Wyk, P. M. (2020). Playing it COOL: Stories from a New Professional Development Program. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching. 13 (2020).

Kenny, N., Popovic, C., McSweeney, J., Knorr, K., Hoessler, C., Hall, S., Fujita, N., & El Khoury, E. (2017). Drawing on the Principles of SoTL to Illuminate a Path Forward for the Scholarship of Educational Development. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8(2), article 10. 

Cesareni, D., Cacciamani, S., and Fujita, N. (2015). Role taking and knowledge building in a blended university course. International Journal of Computer-Supported Learning, 10 (4).

Loperfido, F. F., Sansone, N. , Ligorio, M. B., Fujita, N. (2014). Understanding I/We positions in a blended university course: Polyphony and chronotopes as dialogical features. Open and Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education, 9(2), 51-66. Available online at:

Chiu, M. M. & Fujita, N. (2014, Nov 8). Statistical Discourse Analysis: A method for modeling online discussion processes. Journal of Learning Analytics, 1(3). 61-83.

Note. LAK’14 conference program chairs, Abelardo Pardo (University of Sydney, AU) and Stephanie Teasley (University of Michigan, USA) invited us to expand our LAK’14 conference paper proceeding and presentation for inclusion in the Journal of Learning Analytics Special Section, LAK’14 Selected and Invited papers. They state in the introduction of the special section:

“We believe that the papers presented here move the field ahead by contributing to the wider discourse about how we can effectively and ethically utilize “big data” to inform learning research and theory, and the resulting practices that support learning.”

Cacciamani, S., Cesareni, D., Martini, F., Ferrini, T., & Fujita, N. (2012, April). Influence of participation, facilitator styles, and metacognitive reflection on knowledge building in online university courses. Computers & Education, 58(3), 874-884.

Brett, C., Forrester, B., & Fujita, N. (2009). Online learning journals as an instructional and self-assessment tool for epistemological growth. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 35(1) Winter. 

Chapters in Books

Chiu, M.M., Fujita, N. (2014). Statistical Discourse Analysis of Online Discussions: Informal Cognition, Social Metacognition, and Knowledge Creation. In: Tan, S., So, H., Yeo, J. (eds) Knowledge Creation in Education. Education Innovation Series. Springer, Singapore.

Chiu, M. M., Molenaar, I., Chen, G., Wise, A., & Fujita, N. (2014). Micro-analysis of collaborative processes that facilitate productive online discussions: Statistical Discourse Analysis of three cases. In E. Barbera & P. Reimann (Eds.) Assessment and evaluation of time factors in online teaching and learning (pp. 232-263). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Fujita, N. (2013). Critical reflections on multivocal analyses and implications for design-based research. In D. Suthers, K. Lund, C. Rosé, C. Teplovs, & N. Law (Eds.). Productive multivocality in the analysis of group interactions (pp. 435-255). New York: Springer.

Fujita, N. (2013). Online graduate education course using Knowledge Forum. In D. Suthers, K. Lund, C. Rosé, C. Teplovs, & N. Law (Eds.) Productive multivocality in the analysis of group interactions (pp. 375-380).  New York: Springer.

Teplovs, C. & Fujita, N. (2013). Socio-dynamic Latent Semantic Learner Models. In D. Suthers, K. Lund, C. Rosé, C. Teplovs, & N. Law (Eds.) Productive multivocality in the analysis of group interactions  (pp. 382-396). New York: Springer.

Cucchiara, S., Ligorio, B., & Fujita, N. (2013). Understanding online discourse strategies through Social Network Analysis. H. L. Lim & F. Sudweeks (Eds.). Innovative methods and technologies for electronic discourse analysis (pp. 42-62). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Fujita, N., Gibson-Gates, C., & Duwyn, J. (2009). Infusing interactive whiteboard technology into initial teacher education. In Rolheiser, C. (Ed.). School improvement and teacher education:Collaboration for change. Toronto, ON: OISE Initial Teacher Education Program. Retrieved from

Peer-Reviewed Proceedings

Teplovs, C., & Fujita, N. (2023). Anyone can analyze quantitative data (with a little help). In J. D. Slotta & E. S. Charles (Eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). (pp. 101-102).

Pasek, Z. J., & Fujita, N. (2021). Games, Planes, and Other Useful Distractions: Teaching Online Diverse International Students. In Proceedings of the International Teaching Online Symposium. Available from 

Chiu, M.M. & Fujita, N. (2014). Statistical Discourse Analysis of Online Discussion: Informal cognition, social metacognition, and knowledge creation. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Learning Analytics and Knowledge (217-225). Indianapolis, IN.

Fujita, N. & Teplovs, C. (2013). Using social media for formative assessment in online and blended learning environments. In N. Rummel, M. Kapur, M. Nathan, & S. Puntambekar (Eds.) Proceedings of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference 2013 – Volume 2 (pp. 251-252). Madison, WI: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Fujita, N. & Teplovs, C. (2012). Exploring Online Formative Assessment Using Repertory Grid Technique via Facebook. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 (pp. 591-597). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Johnson, M., Bull, S., Reimann, P., & Fujita, N. (2011). Epistemic Beliefs and Open Learner Models. In Perez-Marin, D., Kravcik, M., & Santos, O.C. (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments (PALE 2011) in conjunction with the 19th edition of the User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization Conference (UMAP 2011), (pp. 19-24). Girona, Spain: Springer.

Vatrapu, R., Teplovs, C., Fujita, N., & Bull, S. (2011, February 27). Towards Visual Analytics for Teachers’ Dynamic Diagnostic Pedagogical Decision-Making. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Banff, AB: ACM.

Teplovs, C., Fujita, N., Vatrapu, R. (2011, February 27). Generating Predictive Models of Learner Community Dynamics. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Banff, AB: ACM.

Fujita, N. & Teplovs, C. (2010). Software-based scaffolding: Supporting the development of knowledge building discourse in online courses. Gomez, K., Lyons, L., & Radinsky, J. (Eds.), Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) – Volume 1, Full Papers, (pp.1056-1062). Chicago, IL: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Fujita, N. & Teplovs, C. (2009). Automating analysis of collaborative discourse: Identifying idea clusters. In A. Dimitracopoulou, C. O’Malley, D. Suthers, & P. Reimann(Eds.), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices (pp. 162-164). Rhodes, Greece: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.

Teplovs, C. & Fujita, N. (2009). Determining curricular coverage of student contributions to an online discourse environment: Using latent semantic analysis to construct differential term clouds. In A. Dimitracopoulou, C. O’Malley, D. Suthers, & P. Reimann (Eds.), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices (pp. 165-167). Rhodes, Greece: International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.

Fujita, N. & Brett, C. (2008). Rethinking analysis of progressive discourse in asynchronous online learning: An Activity Theory perspective. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2008 – Volume 1(pp. 248-256). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Fujita, N. (2007). Rethinking analysis of e-learning in graduate education courses: An Activity Theory perspective. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2007 (pp. 299-304). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Fujita, N. (2006). Students’ understandings of collaborative discourse for learning in asynchronous computer conferences. In Sun, R. & Miyake, N. (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference of the Cognitive Science Society/International Conference of the Cognitive Science 2006 (pp. 93-94). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Fujita, N. (2006). Supporting reflective, collaborative discourse using Knowledge Forum in GRAIL. In C. Crawford, R. Carlsen, K. McFerrin, J. Price, R. Weber, & D.Willis (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2006 (pp. 1171-1175). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Fujita, N. & Freeman, W. (2006). Questionnaire data – Students’ understandings of their experiences in graduate school. In C. Crawford, R. Carlsen, K. McFerrin, J. Price, R. Weber, & D.Willis (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2006 (pp. 1167-1170). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Brett, C., Freeman, W., Fujita, N., Teplovs, C., & Shah, S. (2006). Investigating research apprenticeship online. In C. Crawford, R. Carlsen, K. McFerrin, J. Price, R. Weber, & D.Willis (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2006 (pp. 2476-2479). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Fujita, N. & Brett, C. (2005). Developing deeper understanding through online discourse in in-service teacher education. In C. Crawford, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. McFerrin, J. Price, R. Weber, & D.Willis (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2005 (pp. 848-851). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Laferrière, T., Lamon, M., Brett, C., Fujita, N., Allaire, S. (2005). Knowledge building for teacher education and professional development: The opportunity and challenges of innovation. In C. Crawford, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. McFerrin, J. Price, R. Weber, & D.Willis (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2005 (pp. 928-932). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Brett, C. & Fujita, N. (2005). Faculty experiences of introducing knowledge building pedagogy and technology in preservice teacher education. In C. Crawford, R. Carlsen, I. Gibson, K. McFerrin, J. Price, R. Weber, & D.Willis (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2005. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Unpublished Dissertations

Fujita, N. (2009). Group processes supporting the development of progressive discourse in online graduate courses. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. Download the thesis here:

Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

Fujita, N. (2024, June 13). Developing an analytics dashboard to support authors in the creation and adaptation of accessible, quality open textbooks. Paper presented at the Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference. Niagara Falls, ON.

Fujita, N. (2023, June 15). Understanding the role of educational developers in the creation and adaptation of open educational resources in higher education. Paper presented at the Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference. Charlottetown, PEI. 

Teplovs, C., & Fujita, N. (2023, June 11). Anyone can analyze quantitative data (with a little help). Pre-conference workshop presented at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Montreal, PQ. 

Fujita, N., Sinha, R., & Teplovs, C. (2020, June). Open textbooks as a catalyst for education innovation in online ad digital learning. Paper presented at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate 2020 Virtual Conference.

Baker, N., Fujita, N., Higgison, A., O’Neil, A., & Smith, C. (2019, October). Come for the OERs, stay for the pedagogy: Recognizing engagements with OERs as potentially transformational professional development activities. Workshop presented at the Technology + Education Seminar + Showcase. Toronto, ON.

Fujita, N., & Keller, W. H. (2019, October). Investigating student engagement in flipped blended and online course designs. Paper presented at Online Learning 2019 Global Summit. Toronto, ON.

Fujita, N., van Wyk, P., Lubrick, M.., Lebert, R., Sylvester, J., Freer, J., & Baker, N. (2019, June). Playing it COOL: Perspectives of learners and teachers from the new Certificate in Online and Open Learning at the University of Windsor. Paper to be presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference. Winnipeg, MB.

Fujita, N. (2019, May). Do you get what you pay for? Exploring free, open textbooks as alternatives to commercial textbooks. Paper presented at the Crucial Conversations in Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Fujita, N., Baker, N., & Lubrick, M. (2018, June). Putting into practice students as partners in pedagogical innovation: Curriculum design and program development. Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Sherbrooke, PQ.

Charron, C., Dunn, A., Fujita, N., & Keller, W. (2018, February). The role student partners play in collecting course feedback. A poster presented at the 2018 Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference. Detroit, MI.

Fujita, N., Lubrick, M., Cowan, S., Baker, N., & Keller, W. (2017, June). Gateways to successful grant writing: An interactive workshop. Interactive workshop to be presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Halifax, NS.

Skene, A., McMurphy, S., Fujita, N., & Stolarchuk, L. (2017, May). The ethics of “big data” in SoTL: Comparing the American and Canadian experiences. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Windsor Oakland Teaching and Learning Conference, Windsor, ON.

Fujita, N., Baker, N., & Lubrick, M. (2016, June). A brilliant design: Using the Lightboard to rapidly develop innovative online and blended learning resources. Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, London, ON.

Baker, N., Fujita, N., & Lubrick, M. (2016, February). Surviving the ShOC: Educational developers’ experiences with supporting first time online course developers. Paper presented at the 2016 Educational Developers Caucus Conference, University of Windsor and St. Clair College, Windsor, ON.

Fujita, N., Yun, N., & Reavley, M. (2015, June). Tuning into student perceptions of eportfolio use for reflective learning and leadership development. Poster presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Doçi, F., Fujita, N., Baker, N., & Rangan, C., & (2015, May). The Promoters of Experiential and Active, Research-Based Learning (PEARL) Network: Investigating instructor beliefs and barriers to online teaching and learning practices in sciences. Poster presented at the Leading Educational Change and Innovation (9th Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning), University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Yun, N., Reavley, M., & Fujita, N. (2015, May). Envisioning ePortfolio use for personal leadership development in a MBA program: Towards best practices. Poster presented at the Leading Educational Change and Innovation (9th Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning), University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

Cesareni, D., Cacciamani, S. & Fujita, N. (2014, August). Role taking and knowledge building: An examination of reading and writing activities in a blended higher education course. Paper presented at the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology Summer Institute, Laval University, Quebec City, PQ.

Chiu, M. M. & Fujita, N. (2014, March). Statistical Discourse Analysis of Online Discussion: Informal cognition, social metacognition, and knowledge creation. The 4th International Conference of Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK’14). ACM: Indianapolis, IN.

Rideout, G., Fujita, N., Greig, & Nguyen, X. (2013, June). How does course delivery via a synchronous online learning tool impact adult learning outcomes and program sustainability at the graduate level? Paper presented at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Sydney, NS.

Teplovs, C., & Fujita,N. (2011, March). Socio-dynamic Latent Semantic Learner Models. Paper presented at the Leveraging Researcher Multivocality for Insights on Collaborative Learning Workshop, STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous 2011, La Clusaz, France

Fujita,N. (2011, March). Discussion of Knowledge Forum Graduate Education Dataset Analyses by Ming Ming Chiu, Nancy Law, and Christopher Teplovs. Paper presented at the Leveraging Researcher Multivocality for Insights on Collaborative Learning Workshop, STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous 2011, La Clusaz, France

Fujita,N. (2011, March). Knowledge Forum Graduate Education Dataset Description. Paper presented at the Leveraging Researcher Multivocality for Insights on Collaborative Learning Workshop, STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous 2011, La Clusaz, France.

Fujita, N., Duwyn, J., & Gibson-Gates, C. (2010, April). Creating sustainable peer networks to infuse interactive whiteboard technology in teacher education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.

Teplovs, C. & Fujita, N. (2009, December). Data Set #2: Asynchronous Knowledge Forum postings from a graduate course in education. Paper presented in the Pinpointing Pivotal Moments in Collaboration Workshop. STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous 2009, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

Kerekes, J., Fujita, N. & Perhan, Z. (2008, October). The pragmatics of questions in teacher-student e-mails. Paper presented at the first North American Workshop on Pragmatics, Oct. 3-5, 2008, Toronto, ON.

Fujita, N., Gibson-Gates, C. & Duwyn, J. (2008, June). SMART Ideas: Infusing interactive whiteboard technology into preservice teacher education. In C. Brett (Chair), Principled use of technology in higher education: Are there commonalities across learning contexts? Symposium conducted at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC.

Fujita, N. (2007, May). Characteristics of progressive discourse in online graduate inservice teacher education courses. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, Saskatoon, SK.

Fujita, N. & Brett, C. (2007, April). Progressive discourse: Identifying characteristics in graduate in-service teacher education courses. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Laferrière, T., Hamel, C., Brett, C., Freeman, W., Fujita, N., Cacciamani, S., Bernaus, M. (2006, August). Activity Theory for assessing progress in the integration of knowledge building discourse into university teaching. Interactive symposium presented at the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology Summer Institute, Toronto, ON.

Fujita, N. (2006, May). Concept mapping and online discussion to promote emergent integration and understanding in online graduate education. in E. Woodruff (Chair), Re-conceptualizing the nature and measure of understanding. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2006. Toronto, ON.

Brett, C., Fujita, N., & Freeman, W. (2006, May). Affordances of individual weblogs and collaborative threaded discussion environments for critical reflection. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2006. Toronto, ON.

Fujita, N. (2005, August). Graduate students’ collaborative progressive discourse about common teaching problems. In C.K.K. Chan (Chair), Teacher development in the knowledge age: Pathways to expertise. Interactive symposium conducted at the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology Summer Institute, Toronto, ON.

Brett, C. & Fujita, N. (2005, August). Teacher educators’ practices when engaging preservice teachers in progressive online discourse. In C.K.K. Chan (Chair), Teacher development in the knowledge age: Pathways to expertise. Interactive symposium conducted at the IKIT Summer Institute, Toronto, ON.

Fujita, N. (2005, May). Analyzing peer-to-peer online discourse: What does it tell us about relational understanding. In E. Woodruff (Chair), A 21st century view of understanding: the implications of relational understanding for education and educational technology. Symposium conducted at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2005. London, ON, Canada.

Fujita, N. & Brett, C. (2005, May). Building trust: Supporting collaborative online discussion among in-service teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2005. London, ON, Canada.

Brett, C., Fujita, N. & MacKinnon, K. (2005, May). Beyond best practice: Promoting innovation in technology enhanced curriculum development among preservice educators. Teacher Education for the Schools We Need Conference, OISE/UT, Toronto, ON.

Fujita, N. (2004, May) Social processes to facilitate online discourse and peer collaboration in higher education. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Winnipeg, MB.

Invited Presentations

Fujita, N. (2023, November 12). IxD&A Journal Issue N. 57 – Meet the Authors: Nobuko Fujita. Presenting “Promoting Life Competences in the Knowledge Society: The Contribution of Knowledge Building Model for Educational Systems” by Stefano Cacciamani and Nobuko Fujita.

Fujita, N. (2021, May 19). Future of the classroom: Evidence-based classroom design to foster positive learning outcomes. The Virtual Campus: The Future of Education Re-envisioning Education with Blended Learning and Remote Teaching

Pedraza, E., Rodriguez, R. J., Reed, S., Fujita, N., Dillon, J., & Kalir, R., (2019, May 6). LEARN Marginal Syllabus ‘We Are Not Dirt’: Freirean Counternarratives and Rhetorical Literacies for Student Voice in Schooling. National Writing Project.

Watson, V. W. M., Beymer, A., McBride, C., Fujita, N., Cantrill, C., & Kalir, R. (2020, February 3). LEARN Marginal Syllabus (February)-Praisesongs of place: Youth envisioning space and place in literacy and song writing initiative. National Writing Project.

Breuleux, A., Zhang, J. Bielaczyc, K., Fujita, N., & Teplovs, C. (2013). Online panel on activity theory in Canada-United States: State of the Art. Canada-US Regional Meeting of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research. Laval University, Quebec City, PQ, July 2, 2013.

Baker, N., Stolarchuk, L., Pfaff, K., Freeman- Gibb, L., & Fujita, N. (2013). Collaborating Online: Bb Collaborate Users Sharing Their Experiences. Panel conducted at Campus Technology, May 16, 2013.

Fujita, N. (2012). Social Media Use in Education. Interview with Tony Doucette of The Early Shift, CBC Radio One, 97.5FM. Aired 7:30am on September 17, 2012.

Fujita, N. & Teplovs, C. (2011). Visualizing 21st Century Learning. Invited presentation for the Masters in Learning Programme, Danish Pedagogical University/Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark. See Prezi

Fujita, N., & Teplovs, C. (2010, August). Knowledge Building for inquiry-based teaching in K-6 science classrooms. Invited presentation for Additional Qualifications Course, Instructional Design – Models Inquiry Process, a Primary/Junior Science course taught by Cheryl Madeira. OISE/UT and Robertson Institute of Child Study, Toronto, ON.

Fujita, N. (2010, May). Knowledge Building for 21st Century Knowledge Communities. Invited presentation for KMD1002 – Knowledge Communities: Patterns and Practices Seminar taught by Jim Slotta, Cheryl Madeira and Hedieh Najafi. Knowledge Media Design Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. Retrieved from

Fujita, N. (2009, April). Teacher inquiry: Learning in and from practice. Invited paper presented at the Midtown Option Initial Teacher Education Program Critical Inquiry Conference, OISE/UT, Toronto, ON.

Brett, C., Freeman, W., & Fujita, N. (2007, February). Investigating Research Apprenticeship in Online Graduate Education. Special session reporting research outcomes on funded projects for SSHRC President Chad Gaffield’s visit to OISE/UT. Toronto, ON.

Buck, K.A., & Fujita, N. (2002). Desktop Renewal Project: Towards a common level of technological proficiency. Pacific First Nations Inuit Health Nursing Annual Conference. Richmond, BC.


Bull, S., Johnson, M. Teplovs, C., Fujita, N. & Vatrapu, R. (2011). Methods and Specifications for Student Model V1 (No. 285114, D4.1), Birmingham, UK: University of Birmingham.

Teplovs, C., Fujita, N., Vatrapu, R., Bødker, M., & Nielsen, J. (2011). Participatory Design Workshop Report. Copenhagen, DK: Copenhagen Business School.

Refereed Book Reviews

Fujita, N. (2006). [Review of the book edited by Chris Dede, Online professional development for teachers: emerging models and methods]. Education Review. Retrieved from

Fujita, N. (2006). [Review of the book Grade 1 writing curriculum: Week-by-week lessons]. Education Review. Retrieved from 2009

Non-Refereed Articles

University of Windsor Daily News Articles

Fujita, N. (2023, May 2). Profs honoured for exemplary digital teaching. University of Windsor Daily News.

Fujita, N. (2023, January 16). Nominations open for award recognizing exemplary digital teaching. University of Windsor Daily News.

Fujita, N. (2021, August 10). Faculty members collaborating to develop new course in data analytics. University of Windsor Daily News.

Fujita, N. (2020, March 4). Event to offer sneak peek at eCampusOntario H5P Studio. University of Windsor Daily News.

Fujita, N. (2019, December 12). Community of Practice Meeting Friday to feature funding call. University of Windsor Daily News.

Fujita, N. (2019, October 22). Peer sessions help students to integrate “what to learn” with “how to learn” in difficult courses. University of Windsor Daily News.

Fujita, N. (2019, May 23). Course to explore edges of online teaching and learning. University of Windsor Daily News.

Fujita, N. (2019, April 23). Lunch-hour sessions to explore professional learning guide for Indigenization. University of Windsor Daily News.

Fujita, N. (2018, Dec 6). Discussion to explore communities of practice and participation. University of Windsor Daily News.
Note. I edited copy provided by Dr. Stewart

Fujita, N. (2018, Oct 11). Session to offer ePortfolios while you eat. University of Windsor Daily News.